Career Pathways

student sitting at a computer smiling towards the cameraThe Internet of Things (IoT) industry is a rapidly growing industry with a projected market value of 6 trillion US dollars worldwide, powered by 60 billion connected devices by 2025 (Business Insider, 2018). Embedded Systems and the IoT have transformed countless facets of our economy, such as transportation, agriculture, healthcare, sustainable energy, smart technology, and weather prediction.

The Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) area is the central hub of industries focused on this emerging technology. The growing need for engineers specialized in emerging technology hardware and software design, along with the CPSE program centered at the industry hub, creates unparalleled career and internship opportunities for students pursuing the Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (CPSE) program.

Career Prospects

The diversity of Embedded Systems and Internet of Things applications affords our students opportunities to join the professional workforce as future engineers in both the private and public sectors in areas such as:

Software & Hardware Development      
Software Analytics
Information Technology 
IoT Infrastructure Architecture 
Application Development 
IoT Solution Design 
IoT Cyber Engineering and Analytics
Cybersecurity Analytics
WiFi Technology Engineering
Embedded Systems Design

Cloud Development
Python Engineering 
Fault Detection & Classification Engineering 
Verilog Design
Smart Building IoT Engineering 
IoT Sensor Engineering 
Vulnerability Engineering 
Network Security Analytics

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